Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved. Behavioral Health Center of Illinois  Privacy policy Updates on Coronavirus/COVID-19

As you know, there has been considerable news coverage in the media about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). These news reports are concerning to all of us, so we wanted to take a moment to address potential concerns you might be having. 

We are continuingly actively monitoring the latest information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The CDC has encouraged organizations and businesses to be prepared to respond to potential outbreaks in their communities. 

With this in mind, please reschedule your appointment if you are sick or have flu-like symptoms. This can help prevent the spread of germs to others. Please know that the option to switch to phone/video sessions is also a possibility, for all clients, during the next few months, so as to continue to provide continuity of care, without a break in sessions. 

Our office building is also following CDC recommendations to practice social distancing which means 3 feet distance between others. Please be cognizant of this at all times in the office.


Insurance companies will pay for phone/video appointments. All co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles will still apply.

You may also do phone appointments without video if you prefer.


We are currently open and will remain open since we are considered an essential business. You may come in for your therapy appointments but if you would rather stay home, we offer phone appointments or video appointments. Please let your therapist know which you prefer and they will make arrangements to contact you.

Zoom Office Hours